Christchurch Ruby

May 15, 2014 Meteor showers, lightning strikes, and meetup structure

7:00pm · Pomeroys, 292 Kilmore Street, Christchurch

Hi All,

This months meetup will be on Thursday 15th May at the regular venue of Catalysts offices above Pomeroys Pub. There will be two parts to the evening.

Firstly: Talks

While not strictly Ruby (well, ok, at all) Nick Butcher is going to give a quick introduction to meteor.js - an up and coming web framework that allows for some pretty incredible apps to be built extremely rapidly. Meteor, while not Ruby is definitely worth a look to see what else is out there, even if DHH thinks Turbolinks is all you need ;) (/me runs for cover!) .. I’m going to do a lightning talk on a couple of tools I’ve started using since reading the Pragmatic Thinking and Learning book, and there’s definitely space for another short to medium sized talk - please contact me if you’re keen to talk.

Secondly: Meetup Structure

Daniel Fone and I have been talking about adding a little more structure to the meetups, probably putting out a schedule of upcoming meetups (e.g. this month it’s talks, next month it’s live coding etc. etc.). This means we can all have visibility over what’s next, and hopefully give everyone time to contribute a talk / an idea for a hack night etc. To that end we have this short 5 question survey monkey form:

The survey is anonymous and only takes about 1-2 minutes to fill in. We’d really appreciate it if as many people as possible can fill it in before the meetup so that we can then discuss the outcomes of the survey during the second half of the evening. The more involvement and contributions we can get the better it’ll be for everyone.

As always, come discuss the above or anything else on our google group!topic/christchurch-ruby/lXuRuqzk1FE