Christchurch Ruby

Nov 20, 2014 Monsters, Prisoners & a righteous quest.

7:00pm · Pomeroys, 292 Kilmore Street, Christchurch

Hello All,

This month we’re going to enter into a realm dark with danger. There will be archers, there will be slime monsters and a righteous quest. Prisoners to be rescued too, from memory!

The aim is to work our way (in pairs) as far as we can through a fairly simple (but increasingly tricky) little coding game/challenge. Then, next year (Feb / March?) we will have a beginner themed night again, and we’ll do the same challenges, but this time in a mentoring role.

If you are reading this and are new to Ruby… come along anyway it’s definitely not just for advanced Rubyists, and then you can teach some people next year ;)

Also, there will be some time for lightning talks at the end of the evening.

In December it’ll be a social pub evening, no brain cells required, except for engaging in stimulating conversation :)

In January, not sure yet, it’ll be just before RailsCamp, so perhaps if anyone has a talk they want to practice before hand it could be an opportunity…. (please send either myself or Daniel Fone an email).

Right, that’s it for now, see you on the 20th at 7pm. You can post any questions here, or come join our Google Group!topic/christchurch-ruby/wYtYUZk_35A

Thanks, ChCh Ruby