Christchurch Ruby

Jan 15, 2015 Succeeding with Open Source — Philip Arndt, and Lightning Talks

7:00pm · Christchurch Office, Catalyst IT Limited, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St, Christchurch

Hello fellow denizens of Rubytopia!

This month (in only 8 days in fact!) we’re excited to have Phil back amongst us, after his worldwide adventure of travel and Ruby love. He’ll be giving a talk on Succeeding with Open Source which — based on his profile ( — he seems reasonably qualified to give. With 7.5 million downloads of the 54(!) gems he has (co)authored, he’s the openest, sourciest person I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

As is often the case, we’ll have time at the end for a few 5-10 min lightning talks. I’ll probably share some vaguely relevant thoughts, and I seem to recall there were some volunteers after our Christmas social too (although that might’ve been the fine Pomeroys ales talking). So… it’d be great to have a few others to give us a tl;dr on a topic of interest.

7pm, next Thursday (15th Jan), Catalyst office

Any questions, sing out. See you then!
