Christchurch Ruby

Mar 19, 2015 Refactoring Techniques (lightning talks)

7:00pm · Christchurch Office, Catalyst IT Limited, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St, Christchurch

This month we are doing lightning talks - but lightning talks around the theme of refactoring. If you don’t know what refactoring is, one definition is :

“Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code – changing the factoring – without changing its external behavior.”

If you’ve been a programmer for any length of time and have revisited your code, changes are you’ve refactored without necessarily putting a name against it. In this meetup we are going to demo as many small, or large, refactorings as we can. It can be as simple as extracting methods (or constants), conversion functions, service objects whatever. We would really like to hear from as many people as possible. Please reply on the Google Group!forum/christchurch-ruby ( with what refactoring(s) you are happy to talk about, as we don’t want duplicates.

I cannot stress how useful a skill refactoring is to a developer. As soon as you hit legacy code (old code, generally without tests) being able to iteratively improve the codebase is crucial to not tearing all of your hair out. So come along, learn something new, or share the skills you have - it really will make your professional life more fun!

See you on Thursday 19th March at 7pm (talks will start sharp at 7:30). The usual place, Catalysts offices above Pomeroys.