Christchurch Ruby

Jun 16, 2016 Hanami Hacknight

7:00pm · Christchurch Office, Catalyst IT Limited, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St, Christchurch

This month we’re running a low key hack night with the intention of learning a bit about the Hanami framework.

Hanami ( (formerly known as Lotus.rb) bills itself as “a modern web framework for Ruby.” It has a simple, stable API, a minimal DSL, and prioritises the use of plain objects over magical, over-complicated classes with too much responsibility. cough Apparently, if you’ve ever felt you’re stretching against the “Rails way”, you’ll appreciate Hanami.

We’ll have a list of silly little projects available to tackle, so come along, pair if you want, hack away with Hanami, and then present your discoveries at the end of the night. See you there!