Christchurch Ruby

Oct 20, 2016 Monthly Meetup - Choose Your Own Adventure

7:00pm · Christchurch Office, Catalyst IT Limited, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St, Christchurch

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, neither Phil nor I can make the meetup next week. So it’s a case of choose your own adventure this month.

If you decide to head to Pomeroys anyway, grab your towel and turn to page 42.

If you have a cool topic to talk about, close the book and reply to the email instead.

If you’re going to take advantage of the situation to seize power and implement your agenda of radical elixir, turn to page 0.

If you’re a depth-first searching algorithm, keep one finger in this page and hope the end’s not more than 5 decisions away.



PS. I just heard from Phil that he’s actually going to be there. Too bad I don’t believe in mutability.