Christchurch Ruby

Feb 20, 2020 Bugs, bugs, bring out your bugs.

7:00pm · Christchurch Office, Catalyst IT Limited, Level 1, 284 Kilmore St, Christchurch

This month it’s “bug lightning talks”. The idea here: talk about a bug you came across and fixed (or worked around ;) horror stories we can learn from / brilliant insights to wow us with - whatever works.

Could be a memory issue killing production, could be that time you dropped the production database / exposed all the private data publicly…. y’know, things that happen all the time and it’s really no-ones fault - and if it was my fault really it was the procedures that need to be improved and anyway aren’t we really one team please don’t fire me ;)

If you don’t already have a bug in mind, just keep your eye out over the next 20 days, if you’re anything like me something is bound to turn up.